I saw this on Reddit last week and recognised the name "Darkspilver."
He used to be on this forum and was very frequently the first to provide certain news reports & information about the org.
However, a previous contributor on this site pointed out a glaring discrepancy in Darkspilver's "contributions", namely, that he never once criticised or disparaged the organisation, Quite the opposite.
Nor did he reveal that he was a devout & committed JW as he's now claiming in his court papers:
Page 7 of 25: Doe’s Need for Anonymity.
"Doe is a lifelong member of the Jehovah’s Witness community. Declaration of John Doe (Darkspilver) in Supp. Mot. Quash Subpoena to Reddit, Inc. Seeking Identify (“Doe Decl.”)
Many of Doe’s friends and family members are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Doe cares deeply about this religious community and believes in many of its teachings, but Doe also has questions, doubts, and concerns about of the organization, including developments in its teachings and practices over recent years."
It's clear that while he was here he never voiced any "questions, doubts or concerns" about his beloved "slave."
Something's not kosher here! Is the org indulging in Trojan Horse tactics?